hot diggity dog!

Xuehao Hu / David Hu

c/o Google NYC
111 8th Ave
New York, NY 10011

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   printf("Hello, There!");
   return 0;

Currently at Google, I focus on CPU boot
firmware for x86 and Arm64 servers, server
appliances, IPUs and accelerators for Google's
datacenters, through which I picked up a keen
interest in embedded systems. I am also
involved in various open firmware collorations
with other hyperscalers, silicon design and
firmware vendors. I find it equally interesting
as coding, to articulate vision, set up
frameworks and processes, and bring clarity to
political and controversial problems and matters
to people and teams around me.

Previously, I worked on various   DevOps soft
ware projects    for a business intelligence start
up, ThoughtSpot, where I met and fortunately
worked closely with a group of brilliant and
ambitious people before some of them moved on
to their next ventures.

Before that,   I studied   Computer Science   at
Colorado State University
in Fort Collins, CO
80523-1873,    which is just one hour drive to
the north from Denver,    the mile high city. I
was a student developer for STReaMS,   a web
interface    for MySQL   database of endangered
fishes   in the Upper    Colorado River basin. I
also     worked on a social network app, DoTell
(which is now defunct)    for a small startup. I
am still fond of the memories around building
an     Arduino rover    with college mates for a
robotics challenge   with  NASA’s    Colorado
Space Grant Consortium
back then.

Besides those paid software gigs, in college, I
also built a video website in PHP allowing users
to send Danmu, with servers in my oncampus
. Sadly, no one was interested in using
it. I still like to build on the side nowadays and
bring interesting ideas into real life.

In my    copious (or not) spare time,   I enjoy
spending quality time with family and friends.
You'll also find me excited about skiing, surfing,
traveling and reading.


B.S., Computer Science & Mathmatics, Colorado
State University
, 2016


09/21/2022 Talk: Kexec Evolutions for LinuxBoot
( slides) - Göteborgsvägen, Mölndal, Sweden


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